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PICSM employee examining elbow of patient
  • Medical Emergencies
    In the event of a life-threatening medical emergency, call emergency medical services at 911 immediately. DO NOT WAIT! Inform the emergency room staff that you are a patient of Performance Injury Care & Sports Medicine, and they will contact us.
  • After Hours Urgent Medical Needs
    If you have an urgent medical need and need to talk to our providers after our regular hours, please call our office at (406) 422-5817. A doctor is on-call 24 hours a day. Your call will be returned promptly.
  • Prescription Requests
    Prescriptions and refills for established patients of Performance Injury Care & Sports Medicine are routinely issued during our regular office hours (see above). You can make your request by calling our office at (406) 422-5817. No refills are issued during the evenings, weekends, or holidays, as the doctors do not have access to your medical records during those times. It is helpful to anticipate your refill needs to avoid an interruption in your medication therapy.
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